Vincent MICHELOT (Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Lyon) : « Citizens United to the Test : Corporate Affluence and Influence in the 2010 mid-term Elections».
In the immediate aftermath of the costliest mid-term elections in American history, many observers have established a direct causal link between a surge of unregulated money from donors who may now remain anonymous and the Citizens United v. FEC decision the US Supreme Court handed down in January 2010. The consequences would be potentially devastating for the Democratic Party as early as the 2012 cycle and would probably usher a radically different electoral landscape if that hasty judgement were taken at face value. Yet, many questions need to be asked and answered before proclaiming the advent of the age of corporate buying of elections and its many rancid whiffs of the Gilded Age. Should new patterns of campaign financing be ascribed to Citizens United exclusively? How influential was the legislative context in the wake of the health care battle and Wall Street reform? Are we not simply witnessing yet another episode of corporate cash going to the presumptive winner?
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